This range is governed by the law as stipulated in act 60 of 2000 and all relevant addendums thereof regarding shooting ranges and shall be obeyed by everyone.
Safety First – If you don’t know ASK. Not knowing is NOT an excuse !
Obey ALL range signs (Restrictions, prohibitions and warnings)
Report all incidents immediately to Francois, Juanita, RO’s or SO’s
This range is designated a cold range with the muzzle safe point the top of the backstop.
NO firearms are touched or handled in any way except in designated areas or per RO, SO instructions.
Always keep your firearm pointed in a safe direction (Downrange at the targets)
Always keep your finger off the trigger, until you are ready to fire
Always treat all firearms as if they are loaded
Always know your target and what is beyond it
All AD’s must be reported.
If a malfunction cannot safely be corrected on the firing line the firearm must be bagged under RO, SO, supervi-sion and taken off the property. Squib loads can be cleared at the fumble bay under RO, SO supervision.
Everyone must wear eye and ear protection near or on the firing line
No children or pets are allowed on the range without direct adult supervision.
Children that want to shoot need explicit approval from Francois, Juanita or designated RO’s or SO’s
Firearms are only bagged or un-bagged in designated areas (Ask RO, SO’s)
Only bag and unbag rifles on firing line with muzzle pointing down range when it is safe to do so, i.e. no-one down range
All visitors and guests need to pay the day fee and complete the indemnity form.